Legal & Credits

Owner of :
Pep's Spirit
1 596 Chemin du Grafionier - 83 580 GASSIN
Tél. 06 22 72 69 36
Tél. 06 38 45 80 14

Created by :
Franck Mézière - Web design & development -

Host :

GANDI SAS, Société par Actions Simplifiée [simplified joint stock company] with capital of € 300,000 and with its registered office at

63-65 boulevard Massena, Paris (75013) FRANCE,

registered under number 423 093 459 RCS PARIS

Photographies : E. Bertrand, Tourism Office of Grimaud

This website is an original intellectual creation and it is consequently subject to copyright protection. Its content is also protected by intellectual and/or industrial property rights. Anyone in breach of the intellectual property rights inherent to the various purposes of this website will be guilty of the crime of counterfeiting and may be subject to the criminal sanctions specified in the Law.

Data processing:

The information contained herein will be processed electronically to meet your requirements.

Pursuant to the "Loi Informatique et Libertés" [= UK Data Protection Act], you are entitled to access and amend information pertaining to you, a right which you may exercise by writing to Pep's Spirit - 56 chemin de la Rine - 83310 Grimaud

For legitimate reasons, you may also oppose the processing of data pertaining to you.